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ATTENTION: Baby Boomers Experiencing Unnecessary Fear & Pain in Their Golden Years:

“Fountain of Youth PowerHouse Dubbed the “Longevity Codes” Reveals the Secrets on How to Avoid Living Out Your Golden Years in Fear and Pain!”


  • Terrified of losing your independence to strangers or becoming a burden to loved ones

  • Scared you will outlive your money

  • Being unable to do daily activities without assistance

  • Afraid of becoming lonely because of the inability to visit family and friends due to disabilities or poor health

If any of the above sounds like you, you need to read below:

Hi, I’m Tracy Herbert, and in the 5 short minutes it will take you to read this page, you will learn how the secrets of the “Longevity Codes” unlock the truth to eliminating your fear and pain from aging and regain your youth, in just 35 days or less.

Here Are Just 5 Out of the 20 Breakthrough Secrets That Are Unlocked After You Gain Access to the Longevity Codes:

    1.   Why growing old doesn’t have to be filled with fear and pain - revealing the “big lie”

    2.   How anxiety and fear around aging is just a mindset, and can be instantly reversed with the “paradigm shift” - allowing you to start living a happier, healthier life

    3.   The truth to reducing or completely eliminating aches and pains from your life

    4.   NEVER feel embarrassed about needing help from strangers or loved ones, and live completely independent with simple, little-known exercise techniques

    5.   How to start sleeping like a newborn baby using scientific research and simple but effective techniques

OK - That’s all Great… Now Prove it!

    Ok, ok. Fair enough.

    It’s easy enough for us to make all these claims, but how do you know any of this is true?

    Aside from having one of the largest collections of data-driven science and statistics, as well as interviews and teachings from the top experts and doctors in their specialized fields - what else do we have?

    Meet Tracy Herbert, the grandmother of 6 who rode from San Francisco to New York City …

    … on a Bicycle!!

    Ending with her being featured on the Dr. Oz show!

  • Tracy Herbert on the Dr. Oz Show

Tracy has also been featured on:

  • Tracy Herbert on TV

    She’s also the author of 3 award-winning books that have helped millions of baby boomers live out their golden years fear-free, and pain-free.

    Tracy Herbert 3 books

    Tracy is a Certified Senior Fitness Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer, Wellness Coach, and includes her Psychology background to help clients make lasting health transformations.

    It’s easy for me to help baby boomers, because I have overcome so many of the same ailments and obstacles they have experienced - and I’ve become stronger because of it! Anyone CAN do what I have done and continue to do everyday, you just need the right tools and knowledge!”

    Tracy Herbert

Don’t Bother Taking Our Word for it - Check Out People Just Like You Living Out Their Golden Years in Style:

Tracy is a fantastic coach and I highly recommend her.

K. F.

Your information has changed and saved my life! 

G. J.

I loved Tracy's enthusiasm and passion for helping others. She was so inspiring on how to deal with any struggle.

S. F.

Thank you for helping me reverse my Type 2 diabetes.

A. B.

Tracy is the standout. She's the top expert in her field...


Since I been working with Tracy, my confidence has skyrocketed!!!

N. A.

Why Everything You’ve Tried so Far Has Had Minimal or Zero Results - And How to Know for Sure the Longevity Codes Will Work for You:

First of all - it’s not your fault.

The internet is full of millions of pieces of false information from people who are not experts, or are looking to take advantage of you, or both!

We don’t provide you with any “philosophical” or “opinion-based” information, that doesn’t help you at all.

STOP Living Your Golden Years in Fear and Pain - Starting Right Now

Living in pain and misery through your golden years is optional.

You’ve worked hard your entire life, beating the odds over the years.

Don’t stop now!

You deserve to live out your golden years without fear, pain, and misery.

You deserve to live life on your terms, and do the things you love to do…

With the people you love!

We want you to start your journey towards removing fear and pain from your life right now.

Introducing the...


The sooner you start, the sooner you can start seeing actual results.

So to urge you to take action today, we want to slash our usual prices on the Longevity Codes Vault from $497 to just $247 for the next 24 hours.

To sweeten the deal even more and nudge you towards taking action right now, we’d like to offer you 2 more bonuses:


One 50-minute phone call with Tracy herself to instantly fast-track your journey ($497 value but $-0- if you act NOW!)


One year of weekly motivational emails from Tracy providing the latest in scientific research, strategy, and action-taking plans. ($197 value but $-0- if you a buy in the next 24 hours)


For a limited time only a small investment of...

3 Payments of $97 each

or save with

1 Payment of $247









There is 100% ZERO Risk to You!

Finally, for a no-brainer deal for you to take action right now, we’re offering a 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

We know what you’re thinking - you hear that all the time in every offer you ever see, but we really mean it.

If the Longevity Codes don't help you start leading a happier, healthier, longer life - then we will happily refund you every dime of your money.

If you aren’t happy, then we certainly aren’t either.

Besides, even if we were dirt bags and wanted to keep your money knowing you aren’t happy - then you’re going to tell all your friends and family how awful we are - and that’s awful for business!

So, rest assured, if you don’t start seeing immediate improvements to your lifestyle after 35 days or less, we’re here for you, and we will refund you.

Here We Are… At the End - Time to Make a Choice

Decision time!

If you’ve tried everything else

If you’re tired and frustrated about fear and pain you’re experiencing

If you’re absolutely sick and fed up of not seeing the results you deserve

And you’re finally ready for a breakthrough to start living a happier, healthier, longer life…

Then click the “ACCESS THE VAULT” button below right now

Or don’t

It’s entirely up to you what path you’ll take from here - it’s your choice!

You can decide: “Maybe I’ll come back tomorrow and make a decision then”

Then forget all about it - and miss out on an opportunity to finally relieve yourself of pain and fear.

Or you can choose a proven method right now, with zero risk to you, and start living life on your terms - happy and healthy

The decision is in your hands You can do nothing, and nothing will change

You can try sorting through millions of pieces of information on the internet yourself trying to decide what’s true or false

Or you can let us do it for you, step-by-step, with proven results from real science, statistics, doctors, and experts.

Just remember - whatever your decision, we wish you nothing but the best of luck, and we’re here for you no matter what!









Ready to Get Started? It’s as Easy as 1, 2, 3

1.   Click the “ACCESS THE VAULT” button

2.   You will be briefly taken to a checkout page, fill in your information

3.   You will gain instant access to all the secrets of the Longevity Codes

That’s it! Easy Peasy!

You will also be sent a thank you email confirming your investment with a receipt, in the rare case you are unhappy with your purchase and request your money back.

Longevity Codes Vault Door

If you’re still not convinced Longevity Codes is for you, or you simply have questions, we’re always happy and available to help you!

Simply fill in your contact information below with a message and we will get back to you very soon!

Have Questions? We Have the Answers!


QUESTION: How long should I expect it to take to see results with the Longevity Codes Vault?

ANSWER: Work at a speed that is comfortable for you. Some people take it all in as quickly as possible and go back to review again slowly. Others watch one video and take their time to implement one strategy. The most important thing to remember is do what works best for you and don’t try too many new things at once. Start with one and move on after you feel comfortable. Don't forget to schedule a call with Tracy for best results.

QUESTION: Is it possible to be healthy and live longer if I don’t have the right genetics?

ANSWER: The best way to answer this question is to say yes and no! Both of my parents suffered from heart disease at a young age. After researching I quickly realized that with a healthy lifestyle my risk for developing heart disease dropped dramatically. Genes play a huge role in our health but it’s not the end all. Eat healthy, get plenty of exercise, and reduce stress is a great place to start. Unfortunately, we can’t change our genes, but we can take action to improve other factors that impact health.

QUESTION: How soon should I schedule a call with Tracy?

ANSWER: Be sure to schedule the call right after you sign up. This is a great opportunity for you to get the most out of the training! This is your time to ask questions and discover the best way to get the results you want. You can schedule 60-days out to make it easy for your schedule.